Workshops on different research related topics
Wide range of topics aimed to be covered for scientific improvement of ECRs.
Upcoming workshops
Upcoming workshops
Previous Workshops
- Advanced Multilevel Modelling Workshop
- Version Control: Introduction to Git and GitHub
- Python for beginners by Gáspár Lukács: 1 June 2023, 9:30-16:30
This workshop is an introduction to Python. It can also be a useful refresher of your Python knowledge before attending the PsychoPy workshop.
- PsychoPy Workshop by Gáspár Lukács: 2 June 2023, 9:30-16:30
This workshop requires knowledge of Python. To participate you should have some general programming experience, and have some knowledge of Python (e.g., have completed the Introductory course to Python 1, which is offered by the university Kursdatenbank).
- Network Analysis workshop, 10-11.05.2023: The workshop aims to present basic concepts of network analysis and describe how to estimate networks applied to psychological data using R. The workshop is split across 2 days. You can find more detail in the attachment.
- Careers outside of academia, 13.04.2023: Alumni who left academia after their PhD/Post-doc will speak about their career and what they do now. We have invited a data scientist, head of employee experience at Lufthansa, a senior editor of a scientific journal, a consultant and a psychologist working in the justice system.
Talk 1: Career Options and Career Planning in Academia, October 19, 2022. This session introduces the framework conditions for postdoc career paths and presents aspects of career planning up to a permanent academic position. The first part of the input gives a structured overview of the requirements of the academic system for further careers. Based on the academic portfolio, strategies and priorities are addressed, and career models and opportunities are explained. Based on this, strategies for career planning will be discussed.
Talk 2: Finding a Career after Science, November 17, 2022. Should I stay in academia? But if not, what should I do professionally? Sooner or later in an academic career, all doctoral researchers and postdocs come across these questions. But how can you find good answers? This session first covers the question of which criteria and strategies can be used to make a good individual decision about an academic career. Then professional alternatives for academics outside of science are addressed. Strategies will be presented on how suitable professional alternatives based on your skills and interests can be developed as well as how the relevant job market can be explored.